Dear Homeowner,
The next meeting of the Addison Estates Homeowners Association will be on Wednesday, October 11,
2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Veterans Building in Mullins Park.
2024 Budget and HOA Fees
We will be discussing the 2024 budget and 2024 HOA fees and encourage homeowner input on both items.
Entrance, Wall, and Landscape Improvements
We are expecting to receive drawings back from Bruce of Tucker Landscaping by the end of this month.
Bruce has kindly agreed to attend the 11 October meeting to present and discuss the plans in more detail and address any questions or concerns you may have.
HOA Violations
The agenda will include a discussion about homeowner violations of the Association by-laws and/or City of Coral Springs ordinances. These violations negatively impact the safety and beauty of our community.
Some of these violations include, but are not limited to:
Bulk trash (including shrubbery, trees/branches, and other items) is being left out for days. BULK PICK-UP IS EVERY THURSDAY AND SHOULD BE PUT AT THE CURB NO EARLIER THAN WEDNESDAY EVENING.
Dirty roofs that need cleaning or replacing.
Houses that need painting.
Lawns that need cutting and/or attention.
Driveways and sidewalks in disrepair.
Illegal parking.
Other things that detract from the safety/beauty of the community.
The discussion will include a plan in which members of the Board and Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will be conducting walk-throughs of the community to note violations. They will notify homeowners of these violations via a “door hanger” that will list the violation and the amount of time that the homeowner must fix the violation. If the violation is not fixed within the time allotted or if the Board is not notified about how and when the violation will be corrected, the homeowner will receive a second violation notice. If the violation is not fixed after the second notice, the homeowner will receive a fine, and/or the city of Coral Springs will be notified.
These procedures need to be implemented, as they are in other communities because several violations continue to occur despite talking to homeowners about these violations, putting this information on the Addison Estates HOA website,, and posting signs at the front entrance, etc. The community is suffering because of these violations, which are detracting from the safety and beauty of our community.
Board Meeting Schedule & Attendance
We are seeking support from homeowners to attend the October 11 meeting to provide input on these matters. Please remember that Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). Unfortunately, homeowner attendance has been extremely poor.
Through attendance at the quarterly meetings can your voice be heard by the Board and actioned on.
Addison Estates Board
For those who cannot attend, you can join the meeting virtually via Google Meet with the link below:
HOA Meeting October 11th
Wednesday, October 11 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 419-635-7613 PIN: 634 606 806#
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