January 2025
Dear Parkland Homes At Addison Estates Homeowner,
Happy New Year! We hope that 2025 will be a healthy and happy new year for all.
We hope that you will plan to attend Homeowner Association meetings this year. Your input is important and greatly appreciated. Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Veterans Building in Mullins Park on the second Wednesday of each quarter. This year meetings will be held on the following Wednesdays: January 8, April 9, July 9, and October 8. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Agenda attached.
We are happy to inform you that there will be no increase in HOA fees for 2025 and they will remain the same at $250 per quarter. HOA fees are due the first day of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). A late fee of $25 will be assessed for any HOA fee received after the 15th of the quarter in which it is due. We have a very tight budget this year and it was developed based on the premise that all homeowners will pay their HOA fees when they are due.
Please contact our Property Manager, Jeff Goldsmith at All County Freedom Property Management if you have any questions. He can be reached by phone at 571-241-2297, by email at jeff@allcountyfreedom.com, or by mail at 3301 N University Dr. #100, Coral Springs, FL 33065.
We hope to see you at HOA meetings and again happy new year. Sincerely,
Parkland Homes at Addison Estates HOA Board
Virtual Meeting:
Jan 8th Association meeting
Wednesday, January 8 · 7:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pju-ctqh-nqy
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 219-281-4339‬ PIN: ‪373 394 686‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pju-ctqh-nqy?pin=4704855891103
